You got a bit of financial work to do if you have a credit score of 567. In fact, I hate to break it to you, but most people are going to classify this as a bad score. Only 1 in 10 credit applications are accepted for people below a credit score of 580, and that can...
Having your car repossessed can honestly feel like the end of the world. Most of us rely on it for everything from getting to work to taking the kids to school. But don’t panic. There are steps you can take in a bid to get it back. So, how do you get a car back after...
Are Personality Types & Credit Scores Linked? It’s an interesting question that we received. Is there a link between personality types and credit scores? Can a personality type predict whether you’ll have good or bad credit? We don’t know....
Repossession is scary, and finding accurate information isn’t always the easiest. In today’s article, we are going to reference and paraphrase some of the tips on how to keep your car from repossession in the NCL Consumer Debt advice series. By the end of...
If your car has just been repossessed the first thing you should be asking yourself is, ‘What are my rights against the creditor?’ Exploring the rules is undoubtedly the best way forward. It will give you the best chance of saving the most amount of money and...
Having a credit score of 598 means you have quite a bit of work to do. You’re classified in the lowest category and are likely finding it difficult to get approved at reasonable interest rates. Sometimes people with this score have a difficult time getting approved at...