If you’re disputing a credit report with a debt collection agency, chances are that you’ll experience some form of non-compliance from them during the credit repair dispute process. You do you have consumer credit rights that can be asserted when disputing...
The credit bureaus often do not follow the law; in fact, it is likely you will see some level of non-compliance during your credit repair process of disputing with the credit bureaus. Congress gave you many consumer credit rights, and you are asserting them through a...
You’re out there shopping for your new car or home when you learn that your credit score is negatively impacting your ability to get the right loan in place for the long term. Now, you’re in a situation when you need to fix your credit score – and...
There’s a lot of advice floating around out there on how to fix a credit score. However, it’s just as important to know what NOT to do as it is to know what TO do when it comes to achieving your credit goals. In this post, we’ll explore the 4...
Do you understand the difference between FICO and FAKO? If you’ve ever applied for credit, you’ve heard the term credit score. FICO is the industry (read: lender) recognized score but others are becoming popular too. FAKO scores are credit ratings produced by website...
We are often asked, “What should you do after a short sale?” If you were a homeowner between 2006 and 2011, chances are you saw the value of your home at all-time high and seemingly fall overnight to a value less than your mortgage. And you weren’t alone....