Free Credit Repair Software Is It Right For Me? I need my credit fixed ASAP. But what options are out there and what if I don’t have money to spend? After all I am credit challenged at the moment. Well do not despair – there are some options out there that...
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How Many Points Will A Collection Affect Your Credit Score?
Not only can a good credit score help you get mortgages, loans, or higher card limits, but it can also help if you’re seeking employment.

What Credit Score Do You Start With?
What credit score do you start with? Find out everything you need to know about your starting score, what it means, and how to maintain a great score!

Why Did My Credit Score Drop? 7 Common Reasons
Why did my credit score drop? Read this article to find out which of the seven things caused your score to drop and learn how to fix your score!
Do Credit Builder Loans Work?
Credit builder loans, otherwise known as “fresh start loans” or “starting over loans” are not widely advertised. Therefore, few people know what they are and whether or not they work. So do credit builder loans actually improve your credit? Read on to find out!...
Do Payday Loans Help Your Credit?
Do payday loans help your credit? Read to learn everything you need to know about payday loans and how they relate to your credit score!
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