Credit Score Range: What’s Good, What’s Not

What is a good credit score? What’s not? How does a credit score range impact your life, and the rates you are able to receive on a car loan or mortgage? In this post, let’s compare two imaginary people – let’s call them Jerry and Barry –...

3 Places To Obtain A Free Credit Score

Your credit reports matter. Your credit score impacts the interest rate you get on a mortgage, a car loan, apartment leases, credit card approvals, and even employment applications. You may think you have one credit report and one score, but the fact of the matter is...

What Makes Up Your FICO Score?

You may wonder why your FICO score has such an impact on your life. How does one number impact the interest rate on your mortgage or auto loan, whether or not you get approved for a new credit card or apartment, and if you get a job offer? A quick glance at your FICO...
FICO vs FAKO – What’s the difference?

FICO vs FAKO – What’s the difference?

Do you understand the difference between FICO and FAKO? If you’ve ever applied for credit, you’ve heard the term credit score. FICO is the industry (read: lender) recognized score but others are becoming popular too. FAKO scores are credit ratings produced by website...