A missed payment as a one-time affair won’t destroy your credit. In fact, most places would consider it a normal part of your credit history. However, if you have a history of missed payments, it could cause real trouble for your score. No one wants to ignore their...
By now, you’ve probably heard of the Cancelled Debt and Mortgage Forgiveness extension, a new tax bill passed by Congress in February. This tax rule provides relief to those who have faced foreclosure or canceled debts. Essentially, it means you can exclude that...
Following the path to increase credit score by 100 points isn’t as hard as it sounds. It might sound daunting now, but with the right skills and knowledge, it is doable. When applying for a car, home loan or even a new job, a 100 point credit increase could mean the...
Although it may seem difficult at first, quickly increasing credit score by 30 points isn’t too difficult. It just requires hard work and patience. Doing the right things can make a big difference in your credit score. Apply for an apartment, purchase a car or a land...
Do you want to raise your credit score? Do you not know where to turn? We have compiled a list of the top credit repair companies in Chandler, Arizona, to make the process easier! Top Credit Repair Companies in Chandler, Arizona Go Clean Credit Since 2003, Go Clean...
A bad credit report can make renting an apartment more difficult. If you’re having trouble renting because of your credit history, here are a few options. Know Your Credit Report Consider reviewing your credit report often so you know what’s on it before they do. If...