How to Freeze Your Credit [FOR FREE]

If you’ve been reading about ways to protect yourself against identity theft, you’ve probably heard of a credit freeze. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about freezing your credit report. Keep reading to learn how you can freeze credit for...

What Credit Score is Needed for a Home Loan?

Your home is more than where you hang your hat. It’s where memories are made—they are buildings that give you feelings of safety and security.  Whether you will be a first-time buyer or a seasoned mover, buying a new house is a big step in life. While there are...

How to Improve Credit Score in 30 Days

Your credit score matters. Someone can take one look at your score and determine your mortgage and car loan rates, consider whether or not to approve your apartment or credit card application, and even decide whether or not to hire you for employment. Your credit...

How Does Credit Work: The Beginners Guide

Borrowing money enables people to make purchases without paying cash. Buying a home, purchasing a car, or taking care of smaller day-to-day expenses are just some of the things people use credit for. However, credit works similarly to loans and must be paid back in...

You’re an Adult! Here’s How to Build Credit at 18

Adulting is hard. If you haven’t already, you have to find a job, enroll in college, and basically figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. There will never be a more exciting time, however stressful it may be. One of the most important things to be...