Can your credit really be restored? How long does it take? These are questions you may have when facing a credit crisis. Good credit is all about knowing how the system works and having the tools to get the FICO score you need. That’s why we’ve put together a list of top credit repair agencies in the Mesa, Arizona Area for you to choose from.
Here’s Our List Of Top Credit Repair Agencies In Mesa, Arizona

Go Clean Credit
The first credit repair agency on our list is Go Clean Credit. Founded in 2003 in Arizona, specializing in credit repair and restoration. Go Clean Credit removes inaccurate and unverifiable negative items from credit reports. This includes foreclosures, short sales, bankruptcies, collections, charge-offs, judgments, tax liens, late payments, repossessions, fraud.
Special programs are available to correct or expunge inaccurate mortgage or bankruptcy reporting. Fighting the unlawful behavior by creditors, collection agencies, the bureaus and consumer law attorneys and support litigation. While staying in compliance with the laws that govern the industry. Go Clean Credit uses state laws, the FCRA, FDCPA, FCBA, and disputes directly with creditors, courts, and the bureaus.
Call today for an FREE consultation.
- Website: //www.gocleancredit.com
Phone: 480-991-4885 (Arizona); 866-991-4885 (Toll-free)
My Credit Guy Credit Restoration
Second on our list is My Credit Guy, specializing in preparing clients for mortgage loan approval. Offering services to consumers directly to remove inaccurate/negative items on the credit report. Helping to satisfy and settle outstanding/verified debts, and establish new/positive tradelines. Free consultations with My Credit Guy are available.
- Website: https://www.mycreditguy.com/
- Phone: 319-560-5999
Arizona Credit Medix
Third on our list of top local credit repair agencies is Arizona Credit Medix. Established in 2011. AZ Credit Medix, LLC is a Credit Restoration, Debt Negotiation, and Business Credit company. AZ Credit Medix, LLC understands the needs of our clients/industry and have developed systems to provide the fastest results possible.
Arizona Credit Medix provides sliding scale pricing and flexible payment terms. Specialities include credit restoration, student loan consolidation, credit coaching, debt counseling, debt verification, secured credit cards, small business benefits.
- Website: http://azcreditmedix.com/
- Phone: (888) 959-8893
We hope this article helped you select the right credit repair agency in Mesa, Arizona for you. Are you curious about other credit repair agencies not mentioned in this post? Do you work with a credit repair agency we didn’t list? Share your experience with us, we’d love to hear from you!